

In a near and slightly dystopian future, where part of the human population has left Earth and colonized Mars, a group of Martian scientists, previously sent to Earth to work on the top secret Immortal Project, comes back to Mars to prevent an imminent robo-revolt and overpower the tyranny of the Martian Elite.


A young girl coming from Earth travels to Mars in order to start a new and more promising life, while an unexpected accident erases her memory. At the hospital she meets a doctor who offers his help and brings the girl home, raising her together with his other daughter.

Main concepts

  • grown your own character (you define your own definition of humanity)
  • in depth insight of the society
  • independent and strong willed characters
  • parallel between colony growth and character growth
  • environment/scenery should feel alive

Project link: https://majo.games/

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink